A month ago, I saw a piece by Jonah Lehrer on Wired Science Online interviewing Allan Jones, CEO of the Allen Institute for Brain Science. Illustrations were bursting from the seams of that piece, and I quickly contacted Mr. Lehrer to ask for permission to visually map his interview. I wanted to take the reader, with very graphic graphics, through what it means to make a map of the human brain. What a trip!
These are the results, which were slow going due to a new gig scribing at AlphaChimp Studio, Inc. As usual, click on each image to see it full size in a new tab. Use the magnifying glass to increase its legibility. Enjoy!

Allen Human Brain Atlas by Perrin R Ireland is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at smallntender.blogspot.com.
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